Propylene glycol

Food flavors Rich Flavors have a pleasant rich taste and aroma and fully convey the sign of the product of the same name.

Name: Composition: Code:
Absolute Zero Sweet and Salty with Citrus Twists RF4093
Almond Sweet almond ALM-101.22
Almond Bitter almonds RF1061
Almond Roasted almonds RF2201
Apperetivo Drink Aperative, Citrus, Herbs, Spices , Sweet RF4092
Apple Fresh apple APP-101.47
Apple Fresh apple, caramel color (E150d) APP-101.45
Apple Juicy apple APP-101.48
Apple Apple, Yellow (E102), Blue (E133) APP-101.43A
Apple green Green apple RF852
Apple red Typical red apple RF443
Apricot Apricot 3610C
Apricot Apricot, Yellow (E102), Orange (E110) 3619IC
Apricot Ripe apricot 50105C
Apricot Apricot 3610C20
Apricot - Peach Apricot - Peach APE-101.20
Arabian Blender Arabic blend AB-101.01
Baklawa Baklava, sweet, nutty, buttery, creamy RF4081
Banana Ripe banana 2869BT
Banana Sweet banana RF3812
Banana Milk banana BAN-301.00
Banana Banana pulp 2869C
Banana Banana, Yellow (E102) 2869/IC102
Banana Fresh banana BAN-101.12
Banana Confectionery banana RF530
Banana Juicy, sweet RF2508
Banana Sweet, pastry RF2893
Banana Fresh banana BAN-101.12
Banana Cream Banana cream 2833C
Barberry Sweet, fruity berry RF3094
Bavarian cream Bavarian cream 6252C
Bergamot Bergamot RF3439
Bergamot Bergamot RF3440
Berry cocktail Fruit RF1558
Biscuit Biscuit BIS-101.04
Biscuit Sweet butter with vanilla flavor RF3043
Black currant Natural black currant RF1037
Black currant Black currant RF0017
Black currant Black currant 6979C
Black grape Grape concentrate RF1819
Black grape Grapes and fruits RF1793
Black Twist Black twist BLT-101.02
Blackberry Blackberry, Red color (E129), Blue color (E133) 40109IC
Blackberry Blackberry RF405
Blackberry Juicy, sweet RF2985
Blackberry Blackberry 32909C50
Blue Curacao Liqueur Blue Curacao (Alcohol Free) RF4095
Blue mist Sweet berry 71908C60
Blue raspberry Raspberry and mixed berry mixture, blue (E133) BLR-101.227
Blue raspberry Mixture of raspberries and berries blue (E133) BLR-101.367
Blueberry Fresh blueberry BLU-101.19
Blueberry Floral, soft, sweet RF2937
Blueberry Juicy, sweet blueberries RF2823
Blueberry Juicy sour blueberries RF2828
Blueberry Blueberry BLU-101.15
Brown butter Butter with a sweet and caramel flavor BUT-101.628
Brownie Brownie cake RF4002
Brownie Brownie cake RF4004
Bubble gum Tutti-frutti bouquet BG-101.04
Butter Butter (ghee) BUT-101.01
Butter Characteristic oil RF464
Butter vanilla Vanilla oil RF578
Butterscotch Toffee BS-101.38
Butterscoth Creamy and sweet RF1051
Cake Cake CAK-101.06
Cantaloupe Sweet melon CANT-101.50
Captain Sweet caramel mix CAPT-101.04
Caramel Caramel CAR-101.27
Caramel Caramel, Caramel color (E150d) CAR-101.11
Caramel Sweet caramel CAR-101.23
Caramel Salty Salted caramel RF4083
Cardamom Cardamom CAD-101.05
Carob Carob, Caramel color (E150d) CRO-101.01
Carrot Carrot RF4097
Champion Champion (fruit mix) CHA-101.11
Cheesecake Cheesecake CEK-101.03
Cheesecake blueberry Blueberry cheesecake RF1898
Cherry Cheesecake Cherry cheesecake RF1894
Cherry Bitter cherry CHE-101.08
Cherry Fresh cherry CHE/RV-101.30W
Cherry Sour cherry RF1366
Cherry Cherry concentrate RF963
Cherry Cherry RF0040
Cherry Cherry RF0041
Cherry Amaretto Cherry amaretto 8006C30
Cherry Moctail Cherry Mocktail RF4107
Cherry Sweet Sweet cherry RF4096
Chocolate Creamy chocolate CHO-303.03
Chocolate Chocolate CHO-101.61
Chocolate Chocolate CHO-101.58A
Chocolate Chocolate concentrate RF137
Chocolate Snickers Snickers RF4078
Chocolate Snickers Туре Snickers RF4084
Choconut Chocolate and hazelnuts, caramel color (E150d) CHN-101.03
Clove Carnation CLO-101.01
Cocoa Cocoa COA-101.18
Cocoa Cocoa COA-101.76
Coconut Coconut pulp COC-101.05
Coconut Fresh sweet coconut 10092C50
Coconut Mint Mocktail Mocktail Coconut - mint RF4108
Coffee Sweet coffee RF1994
Coffee /Cardamom Arabic coffee COF-101.58
Coffee/Cappuccino Cappuccino COF-101.05
Coffee/Cappuccino Coffee COF-101.26
Cola Cola RF3990
Cookies Biscuit COK-101.09
Cool mint Cool mint COM-101.01
Cosmopolitan Alcoholic cocktail (Does not contain alcohol) RF4105
Cotton candy Cotton candy 10058C
Cranberry Cranberry CRN-101.08
Cranberry Cranberry concentrate RF3709
Cream Sweet creamy CRE-101.26
Cream Custard CRE-101.32
Cream Cream with oily notes RF579
Cream Creamy, milky RF2792
Crème brulee Creme brulee CBE-101.01
Crème caramel Sweet creamy caramel CRC-101.25
Cumin Typical cumin RF2998
Custard Creamy and spicy CUS-101.604
Custard Custard, sweet cream CUS-101.607
Dark chocolate Dark chocolate 51509C
Date base Typical date, Caramel color (E150d) DAT-101.01
Double black Bouquet of black currant and licorice DOK-101.01
Double black Bouquet of black currant and licorice DOK-101.02
Doughnut Donut DOU 101.03B
Dr. Pepper Drink Dr. Pepper RF4082
English toffee Toffee toffee TOF-101.24
Exotic Exotic fruits EXO-101.01
Exotic Tropical Fruit Mix, Yellow (E102), Orange (E110) EXO-101.03
Fig base Fig, Caramel color (E150d) FIG-101.01
French Vanilla French Vanilla RF4030
Fruit cocktail Fruit cocktail RF184
Fuzzy Naval Peach schnapps and orange juice RF3013
Fuzzy Naval Peach - Orange Cocktail RF3976
Garden mint Fresh, cool flower garden RF520
Glazed doughnut Donut DOU-101.03B
Grape Grapes GRA-101.20
Grape Green grapes 2345C
Grape Grape, Red (E122), Blue (E133), Caramel (E150d) 1515IC
Grape Grape, Red (E122), Blue (E133), Caramel (E150d) 1818ICA
Grape Grapes 8219С
Grape - Cranberry Grapes - cranberries GRC-101.02
Grape mystique Grape mastic GM-101.
Grapefruit Flavor Grapefruit RF3071
Grenadine Grenadine GRE-101.09
Grenadine Pomegranate syrup, Red colors (E122, E129) GRE-101.05
Grenadine Pomegranate syrup, Red colors (E122, E129) GRE-101.18
Guava Guava GUA-101.20
Guava Guava concentrate RF1085
Guava Guava GUA-101.20
Gummy candy Gummy candy GUC-101.02
Gummy candy Gummy candy GUC-101.03
Hazelnut Hazelnut HAZ-101.07
Honey Thick honey HON-101.20
Honey Honey RF3046
Honeydew Melon Melon 73002B
Ice Refreshing menthol ICE-101.01
lrish Cream Irish cream RF4094
Iron Brew Iron Bru refreshing drink (Е122, Е129) RF3958
Iron Brew Iron Bru refreshing drink (Е122, Е129) RF3959
Jallab Jallab drink (Rose), Red color (E122), Caramel color (E150d) JAL-101.03
Jallab Drink, jallab (Raspberry), Red color (E122), Blue color (E133), Caramel color (E150) JAL-101.02
Kiwi Fresh kiwi KIW-101.29
Kiwi Juicy, fresh kiwi KIW-101.40
Kiwi Fruity, juicy RF915
Kiwi Kiwi RF0071
Kiwi Sweet Kiwi RF2381
Kiwi lemon Kiwi and Lemon Blend, Yellow (E102), Blue (E133), Caramel (E150d) KIL-101.02
Kola Cola KOL-101.12
Kola Cola typical KOL-101.13
Lavender Lemonade Lavender lemonade RF4106
Lazy cake Lazy Chocolate Pie LAZ-101.06
Lemon Lemon, Yellow (E102) LEM/IC-101.666
Lemon Lemon, Yellow (E102) LEM/IC-101.73
Lemon Fresh, juicy, lemon mint RF2607
Lemon mint Lemon with mint, yellow (E102) LMI-101.05
Lemon-Lime Flavor Lemon-lime RF3989
Lemon Bonbon Eucalyptus and Lemon Flavored Lollipops RF3055
Lime Lime RF0136
Lime-Cucumber Cucumber and Lime Mix RF3945
Lime-Cucumber Cucumber and Lime Mix RF4028
Liquor Baileys Baileys Liquor (Alcohol Free) RF4089
Liquor Baileys Baileys Liquor (Alcohol Free) RF4090
Loomi Dried lime, Caramel color (E150) LOM-101.02
Lotus Lotus cookies LOU-101.04
Lotus Sponge cake with a hint of ginger and cardamom RF3920
Lychee Lychee fresh LYC-101.02
Lychee Juicy lychee LYC-101.03
Lychee Lychee LYC-101.07
Mandarin Mandarin, Red (E122), Orange (E110). MAD-101.13
Mango Mango, Yellow (E102), orange (E110) MAN-101.63
Mango Mango, Yellow (E102), orange (E110) MAN-101.165
Mango Fresh mango, Orange color (E110) MAN-101.132
Mango Ripe, meaty, sweet RF3314
Mango Ripe, meaty, sweet RF3314
Mango Mango MAN-101.57
Maple Maple syrup, Caramel color (E150d) 111508C
Maple Maple syrup RF3184
Maraschino Cherry Sweet cocktail cherry 6060C
Marie Rich creamy, buttery RF1820
Marie biscuit Cookies "Maria" BIS-101.04
Marshmallow Marshmallow MAH-101.05
Melon Melon MEL-101.01
Melon Ripe melon MEL-101.300
Melon Cantaloupe RF921
Melon honeydew Nectar melon 73002B
Melon Sweet Sweet melon RF4104
Melon twist Chewing gum and melon mks MET-101.43
Menthol Menthol MEN-101.09
Menthol Menthol MEN-101.02
Milk Fresh milk 323010C50
Milk Milk concentrate RF1323
Milk Milk, creamy RF2786
Milk Milk 27772C6
Mint Fresh, cool RF646
Mint citrus Citrus mint RF2917
Mixed berries Red Berry Blend (Vimto Juice Type) VIMT-101.60
Mixed berries Mix of red berries, Caramel color (E150), Red color (E122). VIMT-101.32A
Mixed berries Mix of red berries, Caramel color (E-150), Red color (E122) VIMT-101.33A
Mixed fruit Fruit, chewing gum RF353
Mixed fruit Fruit sweet type RF3991
Mixed Fruits Mixed fruit flavor MF-101.00A
Mixes berry Berry mix RF3953
Mocha Mokko - a type of coffee MOC-101.50
Mulberry Sweet mulberry 3622C
Ocean mist Fruity, sour RF3014
Orange Orange, Orange color (E110), Yellow color (E102) ORA/IC-101.412
Orange Orange, Orange color (E110), Yellow color (E102) ORA/IC-101.309
Orange Orange, Orange color (E110), Yellow color (E102) ORA/IC-101.40
Orange Ripe orange ORA/IC-101.404
Orange Orange, Orange color (E110), Red color (E122) ORA/IC-101.28B
Orange Juicy, green RF3988
Orange Orange RF1535
Orange carrot Orange and carrots, Orange color (E110) ORP/IC101.04A
Orange nat. Orange citrus, natural RF1535
Oryo Rich dark cocoa cream sponge cake ORE-101.01
Oryo Rich cocoa cream sponge cake ORE-101.02
Paan Raas Herbs, spices of india, mint RF3981
Paan Raas Floral, mint, herbal spices RF3982
Pancake Pancakes PAC-101.07
Papaya Carika papaya PAP-101.02
Paradise island Paradise Island PAI-101.902
Passion A mixture of tropical fruits. PAS-101.25
Passion Fruit Fruit Mix RF2658
Passion Fruit Fruit Mix RF4098
Passion tropical Tropical Fruit Mix, Red (E122), Orange (E110) PAS-101.373
Passion tropical Tropical Fruit Mix, Yellow (E102), Orange (E110) PAS-101.702
Peach Peach PEA-101.01
Peach Juicy peach PEA-101.10
Peach Apricot-Peach, Orange color (E-110), Yellow color (E-102) PEA-101.52
Peach Peach apricot mix APE-101.222
Peach Fresh peach RF1422
Peach Juicy peach RF644
Peach Peach PEA-101.10
Peach Tea Peach Tea RF4029
Pear Pear PER-101.03
Peppermint Spicy mint PEP-101.06
Petit beurre Petit beur, French biscuits PB-101.21
Petitgrain Fruity, floral and woody herbal notes of orange PET-101.29
Petitgrain Petgrain (mandarin leaves) PET-101.24
Pinacolada Pineapple and Coconut Blend PIC-101.05
Pineapple Pineapple, Yellow (E-102), Orange (E110) PIN-101.31Z
Pineapple Juicy pineapple PIN-101.12
Pineapple Pineapple PIN-101.45
Pineapple Pineapple, Yellow color (E-102) PIN-101.57
Pineapple Fresh, ripe RF1955
Pineapple Pineapple PIN -101.16
Pineapple Pineapple PIN-101.59
Pineapple Fresh pineapple RF1537
Pineapple Sweet, fresh pineapple RF2894
Pineapple Pineapple PIN-101.46
Pineapple Juicy pineapple RF3807-2
Pineapple Pineapple RF4100
Pink Grape Fruit Pink grapefruit RF4101
Pink lady Pink lady PIK-101.05
Pirate`s Cave Fruity, citrusy and sweet RF4032
Pirate`s Cave Fruity, citrusy and sweet RF4034
Pistachio Bitter nut RF521
Pistachio Pistachios PIS-101.06
Plum Plum RF0192
Plum Flavor Plum RF0192
Pomegranate Garnet, Red color (E-122) POM-101.23A
Pomegranate Earthy, woody, floral, fruity RF1366
Pomegranate Pomegranate (flower) POM-101.33
Popcorn Popcorn with a sweet caramel flavor POC-101.04
Popcorn Popcorn POP-101.05
Premium chocolate Chocolate Premium RF3906
Premium chocolate Chocolate Premium RF4033
Purple haze Purple haze RF0193
Raisin Typical taste of black raisins RF3469
Raisin Flavor Raisins RF3469
Rafaello Rafaello sweets RF4077
Rafaello Rafaello sweets RF4088
Raspberry Sweet raspberry 3608C
Raspberry Raspberry mature RF-101.76
Raspberry Yellow raspberry RAS-101.04
Raspberry Raspberry, Red color (E129), Blue color (E133) 3608IC
Raspberry Flower, confectionery RF2759
Raspberry Raspberries 3608C5
Raspberry Raspberries RF-101.76
Raspberry Raspberries RAS-101.420N
Red bull Fruit drink, juicy, sweet RF2183
Red dragon Spicy, citrusy, sour RF3016
Red fruits Red fruit mix RF-101.13
Red fruits Red fruit mix RF-101.17
Red grape Typical grapes RF1625
Red twist Red fruit mix RTS-101.323EC
Ripe Strawberry Ripe strawberry STR/P-101.06
Rose Rose flower ROS-101.01
Rose Blooming rose ROS-101.10
Rose Fragrant, fresh RF2222
Rose Flavor Rose flower RF188
Rose Flavor Rose flower RF181
Rum Rum 62809C50
Rum-coke Rum cola 101.03
S on the beach Chewing gum, fruity, musky RF3015
Saffron Flavor Saffron RF2314
Snowflakes Coconut, chocolate, milk SNK-101.05
Speculas Spicy cookies SPC-101.01
Strawberry Sweet buttery RF143
Strawberry Creamy strawberry STR/C-101.130
Strawberry Cream strawberry STR/C-301.03
Strawberry Ripe strawberry, Red color (E124) STR/C-101.74
Strawberry Fresh strawberry STR/C-101.18
Strawberry Strawberry STR/C-101.708
Strawberry Sweet strawberry STR/C-101.54
Strawberry Sweet, buttery strawberries RF983
Strawberry Creamy, floral, sweet, fruity type RF3796
Strawberry Sweet, juicy, ripe fruits, creamy, green RF2858
Strawberry Strawberry STR/M-101.550
Strawberry Strawberries, ripe and creamy RF2547
Strawberry - Mulberry Mulberry strawberry STR/M-101.550
Strawberry Flavor Strawberry STR/C-101.708
Sweet caramel Sweet caramel 10082C
Sweet cherry Sweet cherry 71709C20
Tahina Sesame paste TAH-101.01A
Strawberry - Mulberry Mulberry strawberry STR/M-101.550
Tea black Black tea RF1838
Thyme Thyme THY-101.01
Thyme Thyme THY-101.02
Tiramisu Sweet, creamy, tiramisu type RF1914
Tiramisu Classic tiramisu TIR-101.01
Tobacco Tobacco TOB-101.03
Toffe Caramel, a type of toffee RF3895
Toffee Toffee TOF-101.22
Toffee butter Butterscotch oil BS-101.28
Turkish Delights Turkish Delight TD-101.01
Tutti Fruitti Fruit mix TF-101.35A
Tutti Fruitti Fruit mix, Yellow (E102), Orange (E110) TF-101.350A
Tutti Fruitti (bubble gum) Fruit chewing gum, Red (E122) TF-101.570
Tuttifruitti Fruit mix, Blue (E133) TF-101.31
Two Two Apple Double apple RF0196
Two Two Apple Double apple RF1650
Two Two Apple Double apple RF4024
Two Two Apple Double apple RF4025
Um Ali Creamy dessert with nuts UMA-101.03
Vanilla Rich sweet vanilla VAN/C-101.13
Vanilla Creamy sweet vanilla VAN/C-101.131
Vanilla Sweet vanilla VAN/C-101.71
Vanilla Vanilla concentrate RF484
Vanilla Vanilla concentrate RF3898
Vanilla Vanilla concentrate RF2436
Vanilla Vanilla sweet VAN/C-101.06
Vanilla bean Rich, creamy vanilla VAB/C-101.49
Vanilla Ice Cream Vanilla ice cream RF3036
Vanilla Wafer Vanilla waffle RF4099
Watermelon Watermelon, Red (E122) 555/IC
Watermelon Ripe watermelon WME-101.513
Watermelon Fresh watermelon RF1307
Watermelon Halls Watermelon Halls (Lollipop) RF4080
Watermelon Flavor Ripe watermelon RF1307
Watermelon Mocktail Watermelon Mocktail RF4102
White grape White grapes GRA-101.57
White strawberry Pineapple, strawberry RF3985
Wild berries Mix of berries WBR-101.65
Wild berry Wild berry RF0197
Yellow Tutti Fruitti Yellow fruit mix YTF-101.02A
Yogurt Milk yogurt YOU-101.04
Wine Prosecco Wine Typical Prosecco RF4102
Whiskey Red Standard Whiskey Red RF4102
Whiskey Black Standard Whiskey black RF4102
Fresh Milk RF4338 RF464
Cooked Milk RF10280 RF464
Baked Milk Characteristic oil RF10278
Saffron Almond Sweet, almond, saffron, milk SAF-101.03
Mellissa Melissa MELS-101.03
Crazy Mint Sweet, Fruity, Minty, Chewing gum CRZ-101.01
Basil Basil RF4318
Winter Green Fresh, Minty, Cooling, Spicy WMG-101.01
Watermelon Halls Watermelon Typical Halls RF4080
Sweet Sweet agent SWT-101.05
Saffron Almond Sweet, almond, saffron, milk SAF-101.03
Red Fruits Red Fruit Blend (Red (F-122), Caramel (E-150d) RTF-101.22C
Ice Coolant RF4332
Green Twist Blend of green apple, green lemon and Cucumber (Yellow color (E102), BLUE color (E133) GRT-101.01C
Fruit Cocktail Fruit Blend RF4366
Captain Intense sweet flavor blend CAPT-101.40
Watermelon Watermelon RF4296
White Grape Grape 2109C691
Tamarind Date Tamarind TAM-101.33
Tamarind Date Tamarind RF4364
Pear Pear (Yellow (E-102), Orange (E-110) PER-101.03IC
ORANGE Orange (Yellow (E-102), Orange (E-110) ORA/IC-101.412C
ORANGE Orange (Yellow (E-102), Orange (E-110) ORA/IC-101.40C1
Mango Mango (Orange color (E-110), Yellow color (E-102) MAN-101.77
Mango Mango MAN-101.167
Mango Mango Green Green RF4325
Grape (Juicy) Grape (Juicy) (Red (E-129), Blue (E-133) 5000IC1
Grape Grape (Red (E-122), Blue (E-133),Caramel color (E-150d) 1515IC1
Grape Taboo Grape TAG-101.01
Apricot Apricot (Yellow (E-102), Orange (E-110) 3610IC1
Apple Apple (Caramel Color (E-150d) APP-101.34
Apple Apple (Caramel Color (E-150d) APP-101.37
Apple Apple Red (Caramel Color (E-150d) APP-101.42
Apple Apple Green(Caramel Color (E-150d) APP-101.45
Apple Apple Yellow(Caramel Color (E-150d) Apple APP-101.87
Apple Apple Green(Caramel Color (E-150d) Apple APP-101.843C1
Apple Apple Green (Yellow (E-102), Blue (E-133) Apple APP-101.843C
Orange Orange RF10195
Mango Mango ripe RF4326
Pomegranate Pomegranate RF10233
White Chocolate White Chocolate RF4370
Vanilla Custard Vanilla Custard RF4362
Vanilla Cream Vanilla Cream RF4298
Milk Chocolate Milk Chocolate RF4368
Fresh Cream Fresh Cream RF4323
Custard Creamy and Spicy CUS-101.602
Banoffee Pie Banana Cream Caramel Blend 28887C
Brownie Brownie Brownie RF4004
Brownie Brownie Brownie RF4002
Crème Caramel Sweet Creamy Caramel CRC-101.55
Marshmallow Marshmallow RF4374
Watermelon Mocktail Watermelon Cocktail RF4102
PEAR DUCHESS PEAR typical Duchess drink RF4356
Mocha Mocha MOC-101.53
Cola Cola RF 10250
Coconut Mint Mocktail Coconut Mint Cocktail RF4108
Kavass Kvass RF4347
Strawberry Strawberry RF4352
Red grape Black Currant (Red (E-129), Blue (E-133).) 3639IC1
Hazelnut Hazelnut HAZ-101.36A
Walnut Walnut RF10203
Hibiscus Hibiscus RF4367
Olive Olive RF4444


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